Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ahhh, the relief I feel when I've finally finished an assignment.  There's usually a process I go through when I have an assignment due.  First I think - there's no way I'm going to be able to do this; then, two weeks before it's due, I procrastinate and think of all the reasons why I can't start it; this is followed by two or three days (and nights) of intense writing; then it's time to cull all those great words, sentences or paragraphs over the word limit; finally, it is with great relief that I submit the completed assignment, with a little skip to celebrate that yes, you can do it - you've done it!  This relief usually lasts for a whole day before the fear starts to seep in.  Fear that it's not quite up to scratch.  And then the whole process starts all over again with each new assignment, until the end of Semester!!!


  1. This is too funny! Your process sounds just like mine!

  2. For me it's a period of thinking, planning, researching, writing (a bit of a panicky feeling) then after that it's the home straight, followed by seemingly endless editing and proof reading. The submission is such a relief, followed by a mild/moderate anxiety and imagined scenarios of high to low marks. I don't know about you but I rarely look over my essays again, until I get them back. There's no point as it's too late to change anything.


If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all!

I've done it!!!

Well, I've finally done it!! Got accepted into Uni AND created a blog!!! After searching for insightful websites to help me tackle my journey into academia at my ripe old age and coming up with nil, I decided to start one of my own. I hope this blog will encourage anyone who has ever doubted their own abilities, to put one foot in front of the other and achieve their ambitions, desires, matter what they are. If anyone has any inspiring stories to share, I would love to hear them. I love an inspiring story!!!