Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'll have a full life with a side order of guilt please

Recent posts by Rantings of a Mature-Aged College Student and Student Mum regarding (consecutively) guilt and the perils of full-time v part-time study remind me of the fact that my leisurely holiday of the past two plus months will soon be at a close. 

This week I've been gearing my children up for the fact that one or two days a week they will have to walk to and from school as two of my lectures start early and one of them finishes late.  This comes under the heading of 'Guilt' because since I finished last Semester, I've been here, there and everywhere for them.

I've been gearing my husband up for the fact that I will have to be out of the house at 7am for my 9am lecture and he'll be facing the morning chaos on his own.  This also comes under the heading of 'Guilt' for the same reason - we've been facing the morning chaos together for months.

As well as lecture and tutorial times, my student diary is also filled with times for my pilates, running, dog walking and social egagements I don't want to miss, in an effort to keep some semblance of my non-student life.  This I may have a hard time with seeing as I'm doing a little more than the part-time study load in an effort to have my degree finished in 3 1/2 years instead of 6.  This comes under the heading of  'You just can't fit it all in' because realistically, how will I? 

Like Student Mum, I'll just have to come to the realisation that I may not be able to be everywhere and something may have to give.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow, because of our age we think we have to hurry and complete our education at all costs. Like Student Mum, I have had to slow down. You'll learn what works for and what doesn't. It's good that you are trying to have a life outside of school. It may help keep stress under control. Hopefully, we can learn to not feel so guilty about allowing our families to be a little bit independent on occassion.


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I've done it!!!

Well, I've finally done it!! Got accepted into Uni AND created a blog!!! After searching for insightful websites to help me tackle my journey into academia at my ripe old age and coming up with nil, I decided to start one of my own. I hope this blog will encourage anyone who has ever doubted their own abilities, to put one foot in front of the other and achieve their ambitions, desires, dreams...no matter what they are. If anyone has any inspiring stories to share, I would love to hear them. I love an inspiring story!!!