Sunday, January 5, 2014

Be bold

The Sydney Opera House

With the Christmas/New Year celebrations over, I've begun 2014 the way I do every year - by motivating myself to make some changes.  Hopefully, this is the year I can make it happen.  Not that I want to make enormous changes - just the usual:  to lose weight and get healthy and to make goals towards a fulfilling career with purpose. 

The way I usually motivate myself is through others and I came across a book I read in 2009, which motivated me to finally come out of my 'analysis paralysis' of twenty years and start an undergraduate degree.  The name of the book is The me myth by motivational speaker, Andrew Griffiths.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who's feeling a bit stuck and looking for new direction and purpose in life, by looking outwards instead of inwards - something we're all guilty of in this day and age.  Some of the chapters which really resonate with me are, 'When did you stop having fun?'; 'Which emotion is driving you?' and 'The great wall of you'.  After re-reading it, I've been motivated to start that next chapter in my life, after graduation. 

Although Griffiths rightly suggests the greatest lessons in life are actually learnt by living life rather than immersing ourselves in self-development books, I recently stumbled across another great Australian motivational speaker, Craig Harper and I'm keen to read his new book, Stop f*cking around!

We all need motivating occasionally and both Griffiths and Harper have inspired me to start putting into motion my goals for 2014; they may just inspire you to be bold and build the life you've always wanted.   


  1. Hi Caz and Happy New Year! Good to see you writing again ! Good luck with your new goals! X


If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all!

I've done it!!!

Well, I've finally done it!! Got accepted into Uni AND created a blog!!! After searching for insightful websites to help me tackle my journey into academia at my ripe old age and coming up with nil, I decided to start one of my own. I hope this blog will encourage anyone who has ever doubted their own abilities, to put one foot in front of the other and achieve their ambitions, desires, matter what they are. If anyone has any inspiring stories to share, I would love to hear them. I love an inspiring story!!!