Saturday, February 5, 2011


At long last my course outlines for this semester are online.  With uni starting back in three weeks, I've been keen to see my booklist and assessments for each of my courses and I've got to say, I can't wait to get back into it!  I never thought I'd say that, but obviously the break has really helped me relax after the semester that almost broke me!  I'm beginning to see the different stages in my emotional and physical wellbeing, post-semester.

Exhaustion - For the first four weeks of my break, I couldn't concentrate long enough to even read a novel for fun.  I think I started about four books before I finally gave up and just vegetated!

Joy - After four or five weeks of veging, I became relaxed enough to actually start enjoying the time off.  I found a book I enjoyed and actually finished; I did lots of cooking, caught up with family and friends and was just generally in a state of bliss.

Excitement - Now, with just three weeks to go, I'm itching to get back to using my brain and learning.  Now I've been able to see my course outline, I've started reading the required novels in order to get a headstart.  And the books I will be reading is what has me in a state of excitement!  Frankenstein, Oliver Twist, Middlemarch, Northanger Abbey, Dracula - I get the shivers just thinking of analysing these fantastic novels!!  Yes, it's time for me to go.

Three things Feb (Three things that have made me smile today)

1.  Although we had a couple of hours of continuous, heavy rain early this morning, No. 1 Son's much anticipated first cricket game of the season was NOT cancelled and he played a great game.

2.  We have airconditioning and get to escape the stinking humidity outside.

3.  No. 1 Son tried to put my hair up in a hairband at the dining table and the feel of his broad, strong, growing hands in my hair was delicious!


  1. Congrats on your excitement! I am almost 5 weeks into my semester and funny how before the semester starts I always say, "the 5th week is the worst" yet when I arrive at the 5th week, I forget that! I have to say I am a bit jealous of your book list. Mine is: Clinical Psychology, Groups, Aging With Grace: What the Nun Study Teaches Us About Leading Longer, Healthier, and More Meaningful Lives, The Schopenhauer Cure, The Forgetting (Alzheimer's: A Portrait of an Epidemic), Geriatric Mental Health Care, Case Studies in Counseling Older Adults, Telling the Stories of Life Through Guided Autobiography Groups, The Gift of Therapy, and Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying. They are all good books but....ugh. I hope you have a wonderful semester!!!!!!!!! Mine ends on May 2nd and I walk the stage for my BA on May 14th!!

  2. Oh! I forgot the 600 page book (Freudian slip?)The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy.

  3. After reading your list, Nicki, I am more than happy with what I have to read. How do you do it, girl?


If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all!

I've done it!!!

Well, I've finally done it!! Got accepted into Uni AND created a blog!!! After searching for insightful websites to help me tackle my journey into academia at my ripe old age and coming up with nil, I decided to start one of my own. I hope this blog will encourage anyone who has ever doubted their own abilities, to put one foot in front of the other and achieve their ambitions, desires, matter what they are. If anyone has any inspiring stories to share, I would love to hear them. I love an inspiring story!!!